Who is a Missions Builder?

All YWAMers live by faith as career missionaries. They are required to raise their own funds to meet their living expenses and to pay staff fees, which go towards the running of operations on the base they serve at.

We would like to invite you to consider being a Missions Builder (MB) with us. A Missions Builder is someone who has a passion for world missions but is not able to be a career missionary. An MB gives of themselves sacrificially to Missions through praying, financial giving, encouraging, adopting a missionary, etc.

Where and How to support YWAM Petaling Jaya (PJ)?
Here is how you can contribute towards the work of YWAM PJ:

Last updated – 8/11/2023

Pray – for the base, the staff and the work we are doing or choose to pray for either a particular staff, the team leadership, base vision, or for our various training programmes.


Adopt a staff – adopt a staff and look to their well-being by providing emotional and mental support and/or providing monthly financial support (with a minimum of RM30/RM50/RM100/RM200 or other amounts).

The staff will connect with you personally and will keep you updated through their periodical newsletters.


Funding – give financially towards the running of the YWAM PJ base. Ex. For housing utilities, Wi-Fi, groceries are most welcome, etc.
Funding for our Trainings/Schools:

  • Rental (of space for big groups)
  • Contributions towards the training/school fees paid by staff and students
  • Ministry, travel, and outreach expenses incurred during training/school
  • Community meals during trainings/schools


We are grateful to God for many MBs who have partnered with us in the last 15 years. Many others have provided finances towards the base and towards school fees for students, provided furniture and furnishings and blessed us with food.


We are grateful as we recount the ACTS of God’s provision and faithfulness. Indeed, nothing is too small as it meets every need of continuing the work of God!

Want to be a MB?

Connect to us

We will reach out to you in no time!